Press Releases

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calendar 2024

Changes at the Management Board of DelfinGroup

As of December 18, 2024, Andrejs Aleksandrovičs, a finance expert who currently holds the position of CFO, has joined the Management Board of DelfinGroup, making a significant contribution to the development of the company's financial management and the achievement of its future goals. Read more

DelfinGroup will have distributed a total of 3.7 million euros in dividends to shareholders this year

It was decided at the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders on December 11 that Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup will pay out 953 thousand euros or 0.0210 euros per share in dividends for the third quarter of 2024. The shareholders of the company will have received a total of 3.7 million euros in dividends in 2024. Read more

Survey: pre-owned goods growing in popularity, 74% of Latvians choose them in everyday life

The majority of Latvians – 74% – prefer to buy pre-owned goods, considering them a good alternative to new goods, according to a survey conducted by DelfinGroup. However, in order to strengthen the development of sustainable consumption practices, a number of barriers still need to be addressed, which hinder the consolidation of shopping habits concerning pre-owned goods in Latvian society. Read more

DelfinGroup launches consumer lending in Lithuania

Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup is expanding its operations in the Baltic region and launching consumer lending in Lithuania. This strategic move strengthens the position of the company in the Lithuanian financial services market, where DelfinGroup has already been successfully offering pawn loans, as well as buying and selling services for pre-owned, slightly pre-owned and new goods. Read more

DelfinGroup launches two new bonds on the stock exchange

Today, on 7 November, Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup launched the listing of unsecured and subordinated bonds other than those previously offered to the public on the Nasdaq First North Alternative Market. These bonds, which were previously only available to a limited number of investors in private placements, will now be available in open trading. Read more

In the third quarter, the revenue of DelfinGroup increased by 25%

Continuing its successful growth strategy and steady development, Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup has increased its results in all business segments in the third quarter of this year. The revenue of the company in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 25% compared to the same period last year, reaching 16.5 million euros. Meanwhile, profit before tax increased by 11% to 2.4 million euros. Read more

DelfinGroup raises 4.9 million euros from Citadele bank for business development

By continuing to ensure a diversified capital structure, Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup has raised 4.9 million euros in funding from AS Citadele banka. The term of the credit line facility agreement is two years. Read more

DelfinGroup increases retail volumes and opens new Banknote branches in the 3rd quarter

Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup continues to develop both in-person branches and digital solutions in response to growing public interest in sustainable consumption and flexible shopping solutions. In the third quarter of this year, the company has increased its retail and loan issuance business results compared to the same period last year, with retail up 12% and loan issuance up 14%, respectively. Read more

Following a successful public bond issue, DelfinGroup is listing its bonds on the stock exchange

Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup is launching a 15 million euro bond listing on the Nasdaq Riga Baltic Regulated Market Corporate Bonds list on Wednesday, September 25. The company has successfully completed the bond issue during the public offering, with total demand exceeding the issue size by almost 50%. The bonds have a nominal value of 100 euros per bond and a maturity of four years with a fixed interest rate of 10% per annum and monthly interest payments. Read more

DelfinGroup bond issue is 1.5 times oversubscribed, demand reaches 22.3 million euros

Latvian financial technology or fintech company DelfinGroup announces that it has successfully raised 15 million euros at a fixed interest rate of 10% in a public bond offering. Total demand for the bonds was significantly higher at 22.3 million euros from more than 2,700 retail and institutional investors, exceeding the initial offering by 1.5 times. Read more

DelfinGroup will pay out 916 thousand euros in dividends for the second quarter

Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup will pay out 916 thousand euros or 0.0202 euros per share in dividends for the second quarter of 2024, according to the decision made at the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders on 16 September. Read more

DelfinGroup bond subscription period ends in 5 days

On Monday, September 16, the subscription period for the public offer of the Latvian financial technology or fintech company DelfinGroup will close. The bond issue is taking place in all three Baltic States and amounts to 15 million euros with a fixed annual interest rate of 10%, monthly interest payments and a maturity of four years. The minimum subscription threshold for the bonds is 100 euros. Both retail and professional investors can subscribe to the bonds. Read more

Subscription period for DelfinGroup bonds with a 10% coupon rate begins

DelfinGroup, a Latvian financial technology or fintech company, announces a public bond offering of 15 million euros in all three Baltic States with a fixed annual interest rate of 10%, monthly interest payments and a maturity of four years. The subscription period will run until September 16. The minimum subscription threshold for the bonds is 100 euros. Read more

85% of residents of Latvia keep their receipts for warranty purposes

According to a survey conducted by Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup, 85% of the surveyed residents of Latvia indicate that they keep receipts for warranty purposes, and 24% of the respondents have used warranty options in the last year. Read more

DelfinGroup will issue bonds with a 10% annual interest rate, monthly coupon payment, subscription from September 2

The Bank of Latvia has approved the prospectus of the bond issue of the Latvian financial technology or fintech company AS DelfinGroup. The offer will be made in all three Baltic States, allowing the company to raise up to 15 million through a bond issue. Both retail and institutional investors will be able to invest in the bonds, which have a fixed annual interest rate of 10% per year, payable monthly, and a maturity of four years. The subscription period will run from September 2 to September 16. Read more

DelfinGroup circular economy retail network, Banknote, sold over 120,000 pre-owned and slightly pre-owned items last year

In developing circular economy services and promoting circular retail, the fintech company’s circular economy retail network, Banknote, sold over 120,000 pre-owned and slightly pre-owned items last year, encouraging the reuse of items and supporting the implementation of circular economy principles in everyday life. Read more

DelfinGroup revenue grew by 24% in the second quarter

Continuing its dynamic and sustainable growth, Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup has increased its growth across all business segments in the second quarter of this year. The company’s revenue in the second quarter of 2024 increased by 24% compared to the same period last year, reaching 14.8 million euros. Meanwhile, profit before tax increased by 18%, reaching 2.3 million euros. Read more

DelfinGroup shareholders authorise the Management Board to organise a new public bond issue

The shareholders of the Latvian financial technology or fintech company DelfinGroup decided at today's meeting to authorise the Management Board of the joint stock company to make a public offer for a bond issue of up to 15 million euros in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Read more

Banknote XL concept store has opened in Rēzekne

The Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup, continuing the development of the Banknote chain of circular economy stores, has opened a Banknote XL concept store in Rēzekne, moving to new and spacious premises at Atbrīvošanas aleja 119. The new store is almost four times bigger, providing residents with an even wider range of pre-owned and verified goods in one place. Read more

DelfinGroup opens two more Banknote branches in Lithuania

By continuing its development on the Lithuanian market Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup has opened two new branches of the circular economy concept store Banknote in Vilnius, thus providing pawn loan services and buying and selling of slightly pre-owned and pre-owned goods to a broader range of customers. Read more

The Bank of Lithuania issues a licence to DelfinGroup to provide consumer loan services

DelfinGroup LT UAB, a subsidiary of the Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup, is included in the public list of consumer loan service providers in Lithuania. The company plans to start offering consumer loan services in the 3rd quarter of this year. Read more

DelfinGroup plans to announce a new bond public issue in the Baltics

Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup convenes a shareholders' meeting on 25 July. The shareholders' meeting is scheduled to decide on authorizing the Management Board of the joint stock company to organise a public bond issue of up to 15 million euros in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. The bonds are to be offered to both retail and institutional investors. Read more

DelfinGroup boosts performance in all business segments in Q2

By continuing to develop both in-person branches and digital solutions, Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup has increased its business results in retail and loan issuance in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year. Read more

The second Banknote XL concept store in Latvia has opened in Daugavpils

Due to demand, the existing circular economy store Banknote in Daugavpils has now become a Banknote XL concept store, increasing the space and increasing the range of pre-owned and verified products on offer by two times. The store will continue to be located at its familiar address – Saules iela 55, on the corner of Saules iela and Viestura iela. Read more

Changes in the DelfinGroup management team

The management team of the Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup will be strengthened by Edgars Kokins, who joins the Company as Chief Revenue Officer. He will lead processes related to product and service sales, efficiency improvement, branch network development, and international expansion and take part in shaping the company's strategic growth. Sanita Pudnika, the current Member of the Management Board and Commercial Director of the Company, will leave her position from June 28. Read more

DelfinGroup becomes a general sponsor of the programme Mediāna

Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup has become a general sponsor of the business, finance and economy programme Mediāna. The two partners have agreed to work together, pooling resources and ideas to raise public awareness of the business and financial environment. Read more

DelfinGroup share offer attracts more than 1000 investors with total demand over 9 million euros

The public offering of the largest shareholders of the Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup has attracted strong interest from investors across the Baltic states with more than 1000 investors participating and total demand of over 9 million euros. Read more

DelfinGroup shareholders approve dividend payout in the amount of 1.2 million euros

Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup will pay 1.2 million euros in dividends for the first quarter of this year and additionally for 2023, it was decided at an extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders on 30 May. Read more

Survey: 24% would prefer buying pre-owned over new

Almost a quarter, 24%, of respondents in Latvia would choose pre-owned goods over new ones when planning to buy, for example, a mobile phone, computer, or tools for themselves or a family member. Meanwhile, 57% reported believing that buying pre-owned could help them save money, according to a survey by the Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup. Read more

Today starts the public offering period of DelfinGroup share

Today, May 20, 2024, starts the public offer period of shares of Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup during which two selling shareholders offer to sell part of DelfinGroup shares. During the public offer period investors from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania can buy in total up to 26,4% of DelfinGroup shares. Read more

DelfinGroup increases revenue by 26% in the first quarter

By continuing to introduce innovative solutions and develop the circular retail business, the Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup increased growth in all business segments in the first quarter of this year. The company's revenue in the first quarter of 2024 increased by 26%, reaching 14.3 million euros compared to the same period last year. Read more

DelfinGroup provides the latest generation anaesthetic device to the Children’s Hospital

Continuing to support the introduction of new and innovative solutions in children’s healthcare services, this year the fintech company DelfinGroup, in cooperation with the Children’s Hospital Foundation, helped the Children’s Clinical University Hospital (BKUS) to provide a new anaesthetic device that will allow young patients to prepare for surgery more calmly. The company has also supported the training of doctors in new technologies. The total donation amount to the hospital is almost € 66 000. Read more

DelfinGroup: In the first quarter of this year, retail of goods grew by 8%

Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup continued to show growth in retail and loan issuance in the first quarter of 2024. Read more

DelfinGroup will pay out 649 thousand euros in dividends for the fourth quarter

At the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders held on 28 March, it was decided that the Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup will pay a dividend of 648,898 euros or 0.0143 euros per share for the fourth quarter of 2023. Read more

Last year, people were most active in selling computers, telephones and household goods

Last year, people were most active in selling computers (18%), various household goods such as household appliances, interior goods (16%) and mobile phones (15%) on the secondary market, according to data on 2023 purchase transactions from branches and the online store of Banknote, the circular retail network owned by DelfinGroup Read more

Banknote is the first company in Latvia to launch a digital pawnshop

Banknote, the circular economy shop owned by DelfinGroup, is the first in Latvia to offer digital pawnshop services. The innovative solution will enable all process steps to be carried out remotely. Read more

DelfinGroup revenue increased by 41% in 2023

Last year, Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup continued to increase its growth rates in all business segments, focusing on developing circulation of pre-owned goods and introducing innovative solutions. The company's revenue increased by 41% year-on-year to 50.4 million euros. EBITDA of DelfinGroup increased to 18.2 million euros, up 39% compared to 2022, while profit before tax increased by 14% to 8,3 million euros. Read more

DelfinGroup explains the procedure for paying out annual dividends

Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup has paid a total of 9 431 008 euros, or 0.20 euros per share, in dividends 11 times since its initial public offering (IPO) in 2021. The company pays quarterly dividends of up to 50% of the previous quarter's profit, and once a year the shareholders decide on additional annual dividend payments. The decision on the 2023 dividend payout offer will be made by the Management Board of DelfinGroup following the approval of the 2023 audited annual report, after assessing the results in the context of the company’s long-term development strategy. Read more

The first DelfinGroup employees become shareholders by participating in the stock option programme

Employees of the Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup have converted their first stock options into shares as part of a stock option programme, thus becoming shareholders with the opportunity to participate in shareholders' meetings, make decisions on the company's development and receive dividends. A total of 57 911 additional DelfinGroup shares were listed on the stock exchange following the conversion of stock options. Read more

DelfinGroup: the secondary market of the pre-owned goods is growing and there is a high demand for financial services

The 2023 loan issuance and retail results compiled by the Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup show that sales in pre-owned, slightly pre-owned and new goods grew by 27% last year to 15 million euros. Loans issued during the period amounted to 92.2 million euros, 15% more than in 2022. Read more

DelfinGroup, in cooperation with the Estonian fintech company Wallester, launches a virtual payment card with a credit line

The Latvian fintech company DelfinGroup in cooperation with the Estonian fintech company Wallester AS, developing a new and technologically innovative service, started to offer a Visa virtual card. Read more
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